Oh, so many plans...

I believe that I have explained before how I have SO MANY IDEAS.  Like TONS.  Like enough-to-fill-the-Atlantic-Ocean-and-still-have-some-left-for-a-nice-salt-water-pool-in-the-backyard enough.  I have plans for our house, for vacations, parties, our lives and our imaginary (but hopefully relatively soon to exist) children.

So I thought I would share a few of the things on my "House" list that I want to tackle soon.  Soon being a relative word, of course.  Most are small changes that I can complete on my own and at my own pace. I DO have to remind myself that nothing has to be done right now.  It's just so hard to wait!  But I'll slowly cross one thing off of the list at a time (while adding twice as many to the list, i'm sure!)

***DISCLAIMER - this post will include pictures of our home in all its unfinished, mismatched and messy glory.  I've got work to do in every room, so it won't be pretty! Here goes nothing!

Paint my office/craft/guest room

Right now it's a soft yellow.  Not horrible, but not really my style either.  Unfortunately the living room and tiny hallway are also the same color, but they're larger projects and will have to wait a while. 

I'm contemplating a soft grey/beige (what up, greige!) and an accent wall with a pattern.  Possibly that herringbone stencil that I mentioned last week!  I'm not lucky enough to have the beautiful white trim that I dream of, so I'm figuring out how to work with the honey oak trim that we've got.  Right now this is the color combo i'm digging:

Remove the "lovely" wallpaper and border in the kitchen

In this case "lovely" actually means outdated, ugly and just...yuck.  I've never been a wallpaper or border person, and this one is no exception.  Having never removed wallpaper before, I'm a little nervous to get started.  Let me know if you have any tips/tricks/tutorials that you recommend...I'm all ears!

Replace the horrid "boob" lights in the hallway and bedrooms

I hate these light fixtures.  With a passion.  In fact, when they finally come down, I may do a ceremonial smashing of one just to spite it.  Don't worry, one is actually broken, so that's the one I'll smash.  The others will be promptly donated to our local Habitat for Humanity Re-Store!

I have a couple of ideas for different rooms:



Craft/Extra Bedroom:

Give our house a little more Curb Appeal

Our house isn't ugly, but it's all one color and kind of plain looking from the front.  It needs some frills!  I would like to create a little wood plaque that I can add new house numbers to to give it a little more charm.  Oh, and I HAVE to fix the ugly, peeling stairs.  Not sure how to do that, though.

I'm also digging the idea of painting the front door.  I'm just having trouble deciding on a color.  I would love to do teal, but since the house is tan I don't think that's quite right.  Maybe Orange or Navy Blue?!? Opinions are welcome!

Hope you have a great hump day and remainder of the week!  Mr. B and I are heading to the North Shore today for a few days of rest and relaxation, so I'll see you on the flip side!


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