Project Update: Stencil Madness

How's about a stencil update?  Yeah? Ok, let's go!

Prepare yourself - if you think you're going to see a completed room with furniture rearranged and all mess put away, this is not the post for you.  You'll want to wait for the post I eventually title "FINALLY DONE WITH STENCILING - WOOHOOOO!"  Or something to that effect.

If you're still interested in the progress, then you can keep on reading :)

Since I have yet to track down my good camera, you'll have to put up with my grainy cell phone pictures...but it will give the same effect!

The little wall is done!! Yay yay yay!!!!!!  (Pause for mini victory dance)

The little wall is what you see when you walk right into the room. I love seeing it when I turn the corner into the hallway.

And now, for the larger wall.....

*Pow*Pow*Pow*  *WHA-BAM!*   (that's for you, Mr. B!)

Not done.  But the main large section is! I just have to do the top and bottom and the far left side, and I'll be like 2/3 of the way done!

I told you that it would take a while.

But it's ok!  Life got in the way - and that's the way it should be!! Weddings and friends and enjoying the sunshine is far more important than a wall being done.  No rush!

Ok, quick segue.  Ya'll need to keep me honest though.  It's ok that it's not done now, but if you happen to mention it to me in another month and I haven't made any progress, sit me down for an intervention and whip me into shape.  I give you permission.  Segue done.

So, that's where painting is at.  Once I'm all done with the actual stenciling, I'll have some touch ups to do.  Those are good to save for rainy days though :)

At least, that's what I tell myself.

Thanks for reading!

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