The blog got a little refresh...hope you're enjoying the new look. I know that I am!! I'd planned to do more than just make a new banner last week, but time got away from me and all of a sudden it was Monday again. Some great people in my life have been pushing me to keep my blog more updated - so I'm committing to doing that. I'm also committed to some other things. Let me elaborate.
Changes that are already in-progress:
1. Simple resolutions.
I've started trying to make VERY small changes in my life that I'm planning on making permanent. I'm going to stack them every week. For example, my resolution for this week was to not use the elevator at work. Next week will be no using the elevator AND no diet coke after 5pm.
This week's resolution has been going splendidly...I haven't used the elevator once! Even that day when I had to go to the 8th floor 3 different times. Best part? I'm really happy with myself for doing it.
They won't be huge changes. But a bunch of little ones can add up to big ones.
Changes I'm committing to making ASAP:
1. Diabetes.
I need to figure out this whole "I-choose-to-ignore-my-diabetes" thing. I don't know what it is or why I can't get myself to get in gear, but I HAVE TO. I don't have another choice.
2. Chubbiness.
If you told me I am chubby, I would totally agree with you. A new job that includes more sitting is partially to blame. But my eating and non-exercising habits have more to do with it. I feel junky, and it's my fault.
It's not that I'm completely ignoring the fat problem. I acknowledge it when I put on my jeans and they're too tight. And when I try things on at the store and hate the way they look.
I have been trying to make changes in what I eat and my exercise routine. It usually goes well for about 2 days and then life happens and I fall off the path.
It's because I'm not committing fully - I'll give myself passes for not going to the gym or eating out too many times. I can't do that anymore. I've gotta kick my own ass.
3. Turning my hobbies into a business.
I am a creative person. I have a LOT of different hobbies. Sewing, crochet, scrapbooking, photography... I want to make them a part of my life that is not only enjoyable, but that fund themselves.
When I have kids, I want to be able to stay at home with them. And if I get the business running now, I might be able to do that when the time comes.
4. Making next year just as amazing as this past one has been.
This year I:
Met my best friend and the love-of-my-life, and got engaged to him. He makes me smile on a daily basis, teaches me new things every time we're together, loves me unconditionally, and so much more. I love him more every day, and I plan on telling him that every day for the rest of our lives.
Made new friends and spent time with the ones I already have.
Spent a ton of time with my family, who I love so much.
Was reminded that life is fragile. And was shown that love and prayer really can make a difference.
Started a new job that is such a perfect fit for me right now. I love working at a job that I love.
So if you're reading, feel free to keep me accountable. Its not going to be easy to fulfill all of these changes, but I know that I will be the better person that I want to be once I do.
Love, A
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